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Welcome to the DisburseCloud API documentation, your comprehensive guide to simplifying financial transactions and optimizing your business operations. Whether you're a developer looking to integrate our API into your applications or a business owner seeking to streamline your financial processes, this documentation has everything you need to get started.

Explore our seamless integration capabilities, empowering developers to incorporate DisburseCloud into their existing systems effortlessly while ensuring minimal disruption to business operations.

Discover our extensive toolkit, equipping you with the necessary tools to manage every aspect of your financial transactions, from handling payments to verifying user identities and maintaining the security of your operations.

Learn how DisburseCloud is tailored to meet the specific needs of various financial services, including automated payments, real-time transaction tracking, and user credential management, ensuring your applications are optimized for efficiency.

Understand the benefits of our dual environments for testing and production, providing developers with a sandbox environment to experiment with new features before deploying them to production, ensuring a reliable and scalable infrastructure for your operations.

Experience the scalability of our infrastructure, designed to support your growing business needs seamlessly, whether you're a startup or a large enterprise.

With the DisburseCloud API documentation as your guide, you can streamline your financial processes, enhance security, and improve overall efficiency, empowering you to focus on what matters most—growing your business.


At DisburseCloud, safeguarding the security and integrity of financial transactions is our top priority. Our API employs robust authentication mechanisms, and one central component of our security framework is the authentication endpoint. This endpoint serves as the primary method for user authentication, ensuring secure access to our API's powerful functionality.

How It Works

When you submit your credentials to our authentication endpoint, you initiate a secure authentication process. Upon successful authentication, the system grants you an access token, also known as a Bearer token. This token is essential for authorizing subsequent API calls, allowing you to securely interact with our endpoints.

Generating and Managing Your Bearer Tokens

Generating your Bearer tokens is a simple process. After authentication, you'll receive a personalized token with a validity period of 3600 seconds. You can obtain this token programmatically via API calls.

Securing Your Bearer Tokens

Protecting your Bearer tokens is crucial to maintain the security of your account and financial data. Store your tokens securely and avoid exposing them publicly or embedding them directly in your application code. Instead, use trusted methods like environment variables or a secure vault solution.

Using Your Bearer Tokens

To access our API services, include your Bearer token in the Authorization header of your API requests. This ensures uninterrupted and secure interaction with our endpoints, allowing you to leverage our API's functionality with confidence.

By following these personalized guidelines and leveraging your Bearer token, you can confidently access the DisburseCloud API, knowing that your financial transactions are secure and confidential.


The Authentication section provides APIs for user authentication and authorization within the DisburseCloud ecosystem. These APIs ensure secure access to DisburseCloud services and protect sensitive financial data.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication: Authenticate users securely using various authentication mechanisms, such as username/password, API tokens, or OAuth.
  • Authorization: Authorize users to access specific resources based on their roles and permissions, ensuring proper data protection and compliance.
  • Token Management: Manage authentication tokens, including generation, validation, and revocation, to maintain security and control over user sessions.


  • Enhanced Security: Robust authentication and authorization mechanisms protect against unauthorized access and data breaches, safeguarding sensitive financial information.
  • User Convenience: Streamlined authentication processes ensure a seamless user experience, reducing friction and enhancing user satisfaction.
  • Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements and industry standards by implementing secure authentication practices and data protection measures.
  • Scalability: Scalable authentication solutions accommodate growing user bases and evolving business needs, ensuring reliable access to DisburseCloud services.

Access Token

This endpoint acts as the gateway for user authentication using provided credentials. Upon successful authentication, an access token (Bearer token) is issued, which must be included in the Authorization header for authentication in all subsequent endpoint calls.

This token, obtained in the response body, is vital for accessing other endpoints securely. Tokens expire after 3600 seconds, so ensure timely renewal for uninterrupted access.

Authorization: Bearer {{access_token obtained in response body}}

Authentication to obtain an access_token is done using Basic Authentication with the Company TIN as the username and User API key as the password.

To obtain the API Key:

  1. Login to your dashbaord and click on admin on the right top corner
  2. Select Profile and click on View API Key

For a Multi-Company user, it is crucial to include the CompanyApiKey in the header.

This key uniquely identifies the specific company being accessed through the API and is essential for proper authentication and authorization.

CompanyApiKey: {{your company's api key}}


Response samples

Content type
  • "access_token": "string",
  • "token_type": "string",
  • "expires_in": 36000


The Funding section provides a set of APIs that enable businesses to conveniently and securely add funds to their DisburseCloud accounts. These APIs offer flexible integration options, allowing businesses to seamlessly manage their account balances and ensure uninterrupted disbursements to recipients.

Key Features:

  • Convenient Integration: Businesses can easily integrate with DisburseCloud's funding APIs, streamlining the process of adding funds to their accounts.
  • Secure Transactions: All funding transactions are conducted over secure channels, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of financial data.
  • Real-time Balance Updates: Businesses receive real-time updates on their account balances, enabling them to monitor their funding status and make informed decisions.
  • Customized Funding Options: DisburseCloud offers customizable funding options tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of each business, providing flexibility and control over funding activities.


  • Efficiency: Streamlined funding processes save businesses time and resources, enabling them to focus on core operations.
  • Transparency: Real-time balance updates and transaction history access provide businesses with transparency and insight into their funding activities.
  • Flexibility: Customizable funding options accommodate diverse business needs and preferences, ensuring a tailored funding experience.

The Funding section empowers businesses to manage their DisburseCloud accounts effectively, facilitating seamless funding processes and ensuring the uninterrupted flow of disbursements to recipients.

Add funds

This endpoint enables you to add funds to your company's account on DisburseCloud. It's important to note that the debited amount will be deducted from the bank account you provided during the DisburseCloud signup process.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users

Request Body schema: application/json
Enum: "ACH" "WireTransfer"

The payment method you want to choose for "Add Funds".


Description or note you want to add to the paymnet.


Indicates whether fund is for adding "funds" to facilitate the large disbursement or not.

number <double>

The monetary value you intend to contribute to the company's balance.


Request samples

Content type
  • "payment_method": "ACH",
  • "description": "string",
  • "large_disbursement": true,
  • "amount": 2

Response samples

Content type
No sample


The Disbursement section offers a comprehensive suite of APIs tailored to streamline the distribution of funds to recipients. Developers and businesses can take advantage of these APIs to simplify disbursement workflows, ensuring swift and secure transactions. Key features include robust tools for initiating disbursements, tracking transaction statuses in real-time, and managing recipient information seamlessly.

Key Features:

  • Efficient Disbursement Initiation: Easily initiate disbursements to recipients with simple API calls.
  • Real-time Transaction Tracking: Track the status of disbursements in real-time, providing visibility into transaction progress.
  • Flexible Recipient Management: Manage recipient details and preferences effortlessly, allowing for easy updates and customization.
  • Secure Transactions: Ensure the security of financial transactions with robust encryption and authentication mechanisms.


  • Streamlined Workflows: Simplify disbursement processes, saving time and resources for both developers and businesses.
  • Enhanced Transparency: Gain visibility into transaction statuses and recipient details, promoting transparency and accountability.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Ensure prompt and secure fund transfers, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  • Scalable Solutions: Scale disbursement operations seamlessly to accommodate business growth and evolving needs.

With user-friendly integration options and powerful capabilities, the Disbursement section empowers developers and businesses to optimize financial processes, driving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Create Disbursement

This endpoint empowers users to distribute funds to recipients. You have the flexibility to designate authorization parties who must approve individual disbursements before they are executed. If the provided details are accurate, DisburseCloud will proceed to release funds to the specified payees. With DisburseCloud, users can access a range of payment options such as ACH, Virtual Card, Instant Deposit, Digital Check, Postal Check, Venmo, and PayPal. Additionally, you can customize the payment options available for selection by users through this API call.

Description of the Large Disbursement Process for DisburseCloud

large_disbursment: The Large Disbursement process is designed to provide a faster and more flexible funding option for clients who need to make significant disbursements that exceed their current account balance. This process allows clients to wire funds directly to DisburseCloud, bypassing the standard ACH process which can take up to three days.

1. Initiating a Large Disbursement:

  • When a client needs to make a large payment that would deplete their current balance, they can initiate a Large Disbursement. For instance, if the client's current balance is $25,000 and they need to make a $30,000 payment, they can use this process to fund the disbursement.

2. Wiring Funds:

  • The client wires the required amount directly to DisburseCloud. In our example, the client would wire $30,000 to cover the disbursement.

3. Categorizing Funds:

  • The wired funds are categorized into a separate ledger called the "Large Disbursement Balance" (LDB). This ledger tracks the funds specifically designated for large disbursements.

4. Processing the Disbursement:

  • When the $30,000 disbursement is made, it is noted as a Large Disbursement. The funds are then deducted from the LDB, ensuring that the regular balance remains unaffected.

5. Ensuring Smooth Operations:

  • By using this process, clients can manage their disbursement needs efficiently without waiting for the standard ACH process. This helps maintain liquidity and ensures timely payments.

6. Tracking and Reporting:

  • DisburseCloud provides detailed tracking and reporting for all transactions, including large disbursements, ensuring transparency and ease of reconciliation.

This process is particularly beneficial for clients who need to make urgent or large payments and prefer to avoid the delays associated with traditional funding methods. The Large Disbursement process ensures that clients can maintain a smooth and continuous flow of transactions without disrupting their operational balance.

Description of the Authorization Parties Process for Additional Payees

authorization_parties: The Authorization Parties (Additional Payees) feature in DisburseCloud ensures that all necessary parties endorse a disbursement before the final payee can select their preferred payment modality. This system is analogous to the traditional multi-party check endorsement process, but it is designed to work seamlessly across all payment modalities offered by DisburseCloud. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how the process works:

1. Notification to the Payee:

  • When a disbursement involves additional payees, the primary payee receives an email notification informing them that a disbursement is pending. This notification highlights that other payees must sign off before the primary payee can proceed.

2. Portal Access for Payee:

  • The email to the primary payee includes a secure link to a DisburseCloud portal. Through this portal, the primary payee can manage the process of gathering endorsements from the additional payees.

3. Entering Contact Information:

  • Within the portal, the primary payee enters the necessary contact information for the additional payees, such as email addresses and phone numbers. This step ensures that all involved parties are correctly identified and can be notified promptly.

4. Notification to Additional Payees:

  • Once the primary payee submits the contact information, DisburseCloud automatically sends email notifications to the additional payees. These emails contain instructions and a secure link to digitally endorse the disbursement.

5. Digital Endorsement by Additional Payees:

  • Each additional payee accesses the provided link and digitally signs off on the disbursement. This digital endorsement is logged and tracked within the DisburseCloud system, ensuring transparency and accountability.

6. Final Notification to Payee:

  • After all additional payees have completed their digital endorsements, the primary payee receives a final notification. This email includes a link allowing the primary payee to select their preferred payment modality.

7. Selecting the Payment Modality:

  • The primary payee follows the link to the DisburseCloud portal, where they can choose from various payment options such as instant deposit, postal check, emailed check, PayPal, Venmo, ACH, or cash pickup.

8. Completion of Disbursement:

  • Once the payment modality is selected, DisburseCloud processes the disbursement according to the chosen method, completing the transaction efficiently and securely.

This multi-step process ensures that all necessary parties are informed and have provided their consent before a disbursement is finalized. By incorporating additional payee endorsements into the digital workflow, DisburseCloud provides a robust and secure method to manage complex disbursement requirements, enhancing both security and user satisfaction.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users

Request Body schema: application/json

Create disbursement


The unique identifier for the disbursement


Indicates whether the disbursement is large

Array of objects (Payee)

List of payees involved in the disbursement

Array of objects (AuthorizationParty)

List of authorization parties involved in the disbursement


Request samples

Content type
  • "disbursement_uuid": "disbursement-1",
  • "large_disbursement": false,
  • "authorization_parties": [
  • "payees": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "disbursement_uuid": "disbursement-test-132",
  • "payor_email": "",
  • "authorization_parties": [
  • "payees": [
  • "created_at": "2023-01-20 01:08:33"

Cancel disbursement

This endpoint enables users to cancel a created disbursement for a specific payee by providing the disbursement uuid and the payee uuid of the disbursement to be cancelled.

path Parameters

The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want to cancel.


The payee uuid of the payee you want to cancel the disbursement for.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users


Response samples

Content type
  • "name": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Provides an explanation for the error's cause.",
  • "details": [

Get disbursement

This endpoint allows users to fetch comprehensive details pertaining to a specific disbursement, including transaction status, recipient information, transaction amount, and any associated metadata.

path Parameters

The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want the details for.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users


Response samples

Content type
  • "disbursement_uuid": "disbursement-test-132",
  • "payor_email": "",
  • "authorization_parties": [
  • "payees": [
  • "created_at": "2023-01-20 01:08:33"

Get disbursement payee

This endpoint is utilized to retrieve comprehensive details regarding a disbursement's payee. This includes pertinent information such as the payee's name, contact details, payment status, and any associated metadata.

path Parameters

The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want the details for.


The specific payee’s payee_uuid of whom you want the details for.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users


Response samples

Content type
  • "payee_type_id": 1,
  • "amount": 20,
  • "payee_uuid": "payee-1",
  • "email": "",
  • "first_name": "John",
  • "last_name": "Doe",
  • "address_one": "123 Main Street",
  • "address_two": "",
  • "city": "Payee city",
  • "state": "FL",
  • "zip_code": "33052",
  • "phone": "0000000000",
  • "delivery_options": {
  • "allowed_payment_method_ids": [
  • "permission_required_from": [
  • "field_values": [

Resend disbursement email

This endpoint allows users to resend the email notification to a specific payee associated with a particular disbursement. Users can trigger the reissuance of the email notification to ensure timely communication regarding the disbursement.

path Parameters

The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want the details for.


The specific payee’s payee_uuid of whom you want the details for.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users


Response samples

Content type
  • "name": "VALIDATION_ERROR",
  • "message": "Provides an explanation for the error's cause.",
  • "details": [

Get Disbursement Transaction

The endpoint enables users to access transaction details for a specific payee within a designated disbursement. It allows retrieval of information such as transaction status, amount, date, and associated metadata, facilitating efficient tracking and management of individual transactions.

path Parameters

The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want the details for.


The specific payee’s payee_uuid of whom you want the details for.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users


Response samples

Content type
{ }

Get Signed Disbursement Documents

This endpoint is specifically designed to retrieve all signed documents related to a payee's disbursement. By utilizing this endpoint, users can access a comprehensive collection of all documents that have been signed and associated with the payee's disbursement. This includes various documents such as Auth party agreements, ACH authorizations, payee contracts, and other legal paperwork necessary for the disbursement process. The endpoint provides a convenient and efficient way to access all the necessary signed documents in one place, streamlining the disbursement process and ensuring that all required documentation is easily

Request Body schema: application/json

Create disbursement


The disbursement uuid of the disbursement you want the details for.


The specific payee’s payee_uuid of whom you want the details for.


Request samples

Content type
  • "disbursement_uuid": "string",
  • "payee_uuid": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "DocumentName": "string",
  • "SignedBy": "string",
  • "SignedOn": "string",
  • "DocumentLink": "string"

Upload Document

This API facilitates the uploading of diverse document types pertinent to payee disbursement processes. Document categories supported encompass After Payee Authentication, ACH Authorization, Authorization Party Approval, and Custom documents.

header Parameters

The Company API Key is a unique authentication credential provided by DisburseCloud to each registered company. This key serves as a secure identifier for the company's access to DisburseCloud services and resources.
REQUIRED for only Multi-Company Users

Request Body schema: application/json

An identifier denoting the type of document. Permissible values range from 1 to 4, representing different document categories as follows:

ACH: 1
Authorization Party Approval: 2
After Payee Authentication: 3
Custom: 4

A unique name for the document


Specifies whether the document requires a signature. Set to true if a signature is required, and false otherwise.


Indicates whether the custom document is for one-time use only. Set to true for one-time use, and false otherwise.


The base64-encoded representation of the PDF document to be uploaded. Ensure that the PDF content is encoded properly for successful document upload


Request samples

Content type
  • "doc_type_id": 0,
  • "name": "string",
  • "is_sign_required": true,
  • "one_time_use": true,
  • "pdf_base64": "string"

Response samples

Content type
  • "document_uuid": "string"


Webhooks are essential in modern payment systems for real-time communication and automation. They work by sending HTTP POST requests from the payment service to a predefined URL when specific events, like transactions or refunds, occur.

Key Benefits

  • Real-time Notifications: Immediate updates on payment events.
  • Automation: Streamlines processes like order updates and email notifications.
  • Efficiency: Reduces server load and latency compared to polling mechanisms.
  • Customizability: Tailor event subscriptions and data handling to specific needs.

Implementation Steps

Webhooks can be accessed by

  1. Logging in as an admin
  2. Navigating to Company Settings
  3. Select Company Configuration
  4. Select Webhooks
  5. Configure Webhook endpoint by completeing the fields below
    • URL: Enter the URL where you want the webhooks to be sent.
    • Secret Key: Click “Generate new secret” to obtain the secret key for the webhook.


There are two types of events: Disbursements and Simple Payments.


Disbursements are for tracking multiple payments to a single item, such as a “Claim.” For example, a claim may involve multiple “Payees” (claimants) under one Disbursement UUID. Additional features include:

  • Adding documents that need to be signed to a Disbursement.
  • Including additional payees who must sign off before the final payee can choose a payment modality.
  • Selecting the “Payee type” such as One-timer, Vendor, Agency, or Named Insured.
  • Choosing a “Direct Disburse” option to send a postal check directly, bypassing emails.
  • Selecting the postage type (e.g., FedEx, priority mail).

Event Types:

  • DISBURSEMENT.PENDING: The disbursement process has started.
  • DISBURSEMENT.PROCESSING: The disbursement is in the process of being completed.
  • DISBURSEMENT.SUCCESS: The customer has successfully received their payment.
  • DISBURSEMENT.FAILED: The disbursement failed, typically due to failed security questions.
  • DISBURSEMENT.CANCELED: The disbursement was canceled by DisburseCloud or the client.
  • DISBURSEMENT.UNCLAIMED: This status applies to checks before they have cleared. The status in DisburseCloud shows “Check Issued.”
  • DISBURSEMENT.EMAIL_SENT_TO_PAYEE: A disbursement has been created but the payee hasn’t started the process.
  • DISBURSEMENT.PENDING_AUTHORIZATION_PARTIES_PERMISSION: Awaiting approval from additional payees before the primary payee can choose a payment method.
  • DISBURSEMENT.FAILED_TO_SEND_PAYEE_EMAIL: The email to the payee failed to send.
  • DISBURSEMENT.SENT_REGISTRATION_EMAIL: Sent when the payee is a new vendor or agency and needs to register for their portal.
  • DISBURSEMENT.REJECTED_BY_AUTH_PARTY: An additional payee has rejected the disbursement, preventing the primary payee from choosing a payment method.
  • DISBURSEMENT.REJECTED_BY_PAYEE: The payee has rejected the payment by not accepting a required document digitally.

Simple Payments

Simple Payments are straightforward. You enter the recipient's name, contact information, and an optional “memo.” The recipient is then sent a link to choose their preferred payment method.

Event Types:

  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.PENDING: The payment process has started.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.PROCESSING: The payment is in the process of being completed.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.SUCCESS: The recipient has successfully received their payment.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.FAILED: The payment failed.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.CANCELED: The payment was canceled by DisburseCloud or the client.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.UNCLAIMED: The payment has not been claimed by the recipient.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.EMAIL_SENT_TO_PAYEE: An email has been sent to the recipient to choose their payment method.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.PENDING_AUTHORIZATION_PARTIES_PERMISSION: Awaiting authorization from additional parties.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.FAILED_TO_SEND_PAYEE_EMAIL: The email to the recipient failed to send.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.SENT_REGISTRATION_EMAIL: Sent when the recipient is a new user and needs to register.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.REJECTED_BY_AUTH_PARTY: An additional party has rejected the payment.
  • SIMPLE_PAYMENT.REJECTED_BY_PAYEE: The recipient has rejected the payment.

Additional Webhooks

  • COMPANY_BALANCE_REPLENISHMENT: Triggered when DisburseCloud or the client adds funds to their account.
  • DISBURSEMENT_DOCUMENT_SIGNED: Triggered when the payee signs a document before choosing a payment method.
  • DISBURSEMENT_STOP: Triggered when DisburseCloud or the client stops payment on an issued check.

Sample Callback Payload

  webhookTrigger : {
      payload : {
        PaymentMethodId : 2,
        EventDateTime : "2024-06-07T17:20:03.2098669Z",
        EventTypeId : 2,
        ZBCustPayeeFeeID : "3832361000004325001",
        DisbursementPayee : {
            Zip : null,
            IsProcessed : false,
            Email : "",
            RegisteredPayeeId : null,
            CreatedAt : "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            DisbursementStatusId : 0,
            PaymentMethodSettings : null,
            AuthParties : null,
            IsUserUnreadNotePresent : false,
            AllowedPaymentMethodIds : null,
            Phone : "5207053334",
            AddressTwo : null,
            DeliveryOptions : null,
            Status : null,
            CustomDocuments : null,
            FirstName : "Larry",
            Amount : 0,
            NumberOfUnreadNotes : 0,
            BussinessName : null,
            IssueDate : "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            PermissionRequiredFrom : null,
            City : null,
            IsAuthorizedByAuthParties : false,
            UpdatedAt : "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
            AddressOne : null,
            PayeeStatusId : 0,
            CustomFields : null,
            PayeeUUID : null,
            Transaction : null,
            DisbursementId : 0,
            State : null,
            FullName : null,
            TranscardToken : null,
            PayeeTypeId : 0,
            Id : 0,
            LastName : "LOOPER",
            DocumentsCount : 0,
            CompanyLogoUrl : null
        ZDAccountID : "446867000000661725",
        PaymentMethodName : "CheckPayment",
        ZBCustomerClaimID : "3832361000004323001",
        CompanyName : " Auto MGA, LLC",
        DisbursementPayeeUUID : "AZ0076047M",
        PaymentType : "DISBURSEMENT",
        ZBFboAcctID : "3832361000004324011",
        ZBPaidThruID : "3832361000004325011",
        SimplePaymentUUID : null,
        EventReason : "Disbursement status changed!",
        DDAId : null,
        Amount : 245.44,
        BilledAmount : 245.44,
        PaymentMethodPayorFee : 1.76,
        DocumentLink : null,
        ZBPayPalAcctID : "3832361000004396007",
        SimplePaymentPayee : null,
        PaymentMethodPayeeFee : 0,
        DisburseCloudFee : 0,
        CheckImgURL : null,
        CompanyTin : "83-1222222",
        ZBChartofaccountID : "3832361000004326001",
        EventTypeName : "DISBURSEMENT.PROCESSING",
        ZBCustPayorFeeID : "3832361000004324001",
        DisbursementUUID : "83011134",
        DisbursementUrl : null


This section provides definitions for some important parameters.

Postage Code Option Definitions

Id CODE Postage Type
1 FC USPS First Class
2 PR USPS Priority
4 PRS USPS Priority + Sig Conf
5 SC Fedex 2 Day
6 FSO Fedex Standard Overnight *
8 USPSIDAY USPS Priority Express
9 USPSCERT USPS Certified Mail
13 FPO Fedex Priority Overnight *
14 FFO Fedex First Overnight *
15 FSD Fedex Saturday Delivery *

Payee Type Id Definitions

This parameter defines the type of payee you are sending the disbursement to. The value ranges from 1 to 4. Following is the explanation of all the payee type ids

Id Payee Type

Allowed Payment Method Id Definitions

The parameter specifies the payment methods that are acceptable for processing a transaction. We have payment method ids from 1 to 7. These ids map to the following payment methods:

Id Payment Methods